Companies that have bad customer service will never make it on the social web. Ehhrr… well actually – as you can see down at the bottom of this post – they can make it in reverse 😉

Below you find a little clip of a great customer service prank in Belgium. The clip is in Dutch but has subtitles! (thanks for the tip Jeff)

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Glenn Cambell Like a Rhinestone CowboyI’m not a lawyer, but I do love music. From my first single ‘Like a RhineStone Cowboy’ by Glenn Cambell, to my latest craze Maserati, I never felt like I owned these songs. It always felt like I was using them.

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How to get found more on LinkedinNearly everyone I meet professionally has a Linkedin profile. Most of those people have a pretty complete profile including a picture, recent experience, etc.

But only very few seem to bother with putting the right keywords in their profiles.This means that your profile will not show up in search results within Linkedin.

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I am currently reading ‘The Trusted Advisor’. As Carl Stern Chairman of the Boston Consulting Group says, the book is “An invaluable road map to all those who seek to develop truly special relationships with their clients”. You can buy it here.

I am on Page 10.

Already I’m gaining great insights.

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Below a nice infographic done by… Microsoft (I thought they made software 😉

It’s contains data from a UK survey of 731 mums in varous stages of motherhood as well as 111 pregnant women with internet access.

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Hi there!

I want to kick off the New Year with some food for thought.

From Good To Great by Jim Collins is one of my favourite business books. In it, Jim and his team identify ‘The Hedgehog Concept” as one of their key concepts for taking an organisation from good to great.

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Hi everyone,

It’s now Monday December 20th and I am taking a Xmas break from blogging. Back on January 3rd 2011!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for reading my blog, for commenting, subscribing and sharing my articles on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere. Much appreciated!

I’ll leave you with the 2010 Top 5 most read articles on my blog. Hope they are useful!

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Hey hey. Ho ho! As you can see from this picture taking from our office window, it’s snowing here in Amsterdam.

A Friday afternoon blog post about Story and Music

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Reasons to blog

As you know, our mission in life is to turn organisations and people into publishers of valuable, optimised, content to help them reach their marketing, pr and communications goals on the social web.

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Difference between blog and websiteI’m often asked what the difference is between a blog and a website. For many people active in online marketing, the difference between a website and a blog might seem obvious.

But nowadays, everyone – from PRs and communicators to business leaders and customer service managers – should have a clear understanding of the difference.

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