A very pretty kinetic typography animation by Stephan Fry… As posted on our Facebook Group. (Some advertising: please join!). Yum indeed!

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Below is one of the most inspiring case studies I have seen on music & the principles of anything that ends on ‘2.0’.

It’s a presentation Mike Masnick gave on Midem last year. The presentation is about ‘Serving your Fans’, and his subject is the way that Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) has built his business using not only the tools of social media, but also the principles of 2.0.

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Below you’ll find a presentation by Dan Zarrella. The presentation contains data drawn from ‘The Science of ReTweet Report’ in which Dan analyzes the when, why and how Twitter users ReTweet. You can download the full report here.

So what is important? How do you get your content shared via Twitter? How do you get ReTweeted?

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At we do communications we always tell our clients that Social Media and SEO are like yin and yang. They belong together. They don’t operate separately.

Social Media SEO Yin and Yang

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As some of you might know, I used to be in music industry. First I was a product manager for bands like Radiohead, Foo Fighters and the Beastie Boys and later I became the head of Marketing & Promotion for EMI Music Netherlands.

So, you understand why I was intrigued by this news:

Billboard Social 50

Billboard has introduced a Social Media Chart

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Listening to online conversation in social mediaA very simple (and free!) way to get social media buy-in from your organisation is to show them that conversations are already happening about your brand or product.

If you can show that, then your organisation then has two choices:

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Through the eyes of GoogleA couple of months ago I did a blog post on how to check if your website is optimised for search engines.

Basically, you right click your mouse, select ‘view source code’ and search (Ctrl + F) for meta tags: if they ain’t there, you ain’t optimised.

But, as you have guessed there are more thorough ways of checking if your site is optimised for Google. The easiest is to start using a tool supplied by Google called Google Webmaster Tools!

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I thought I’d post a visual post to finish this week! So here’s 3 useful social media infographics I recommend you check out …

These images are just screenshots of details of the full image so you can see what’s in them. To get a complete and hi-res infographic, click on the links in the text.

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Unfollow inactive Twitter accountsAccording to a survey by RJMetrics, core Twitter users are very committed users, but interestingly, more than 80% of Twitter accounts are inactive.

So the chances are that you have quite a few inactive Twitter accounts in your Twitter following.

My view: they ain’t doing you any good. Might as well get rid of them!

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Bitly browser tool publish on Twitter frequentlyWhen you are actively marketing in social media by sharing valuable content, speed is often of the essence. You want to be able to share easily, simply, and quickly.

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