This use to be the openingline for our website. We bet you noticed. Something has changed. Back then our clients and prospects were only just getting fully aware of social media.

But now, less than a year later, many businesses and organisations definitely took notice. They are starting to click with ”You Are What You Publish‘.

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So, you’ve got yourself a Twitter account, you have figured out what you need to be Tweeting about and you are doing it. Everything feels good.

But as a marketer you want something more tangible than just a feeling. What about clickthrough? If you know the number of clicks that each of your Tweets generates, you can figure out what your people really value – and do more of it!

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As a brand you are probably already on Twitter, or you are thinking of it.

When you do, make sure you know what your consumers expect from you. Honestly, they don’t want to know what you have had for breakfast, when your next meeting is, or what time you are leaving the office.

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Funny. I still come across companies who do spend money on advertising and yet do not have a search engine optimised website!

I think this is simply stunning.

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I recently came across a post on Hubspot called ‘9 Worst Ways to Use Twitter for Business’. The #1 Worst Way in this Hubspot blog post is ‘Be Overly Self-Promotional’. That’s a great insight. Most businesses are just so used to promoting their stuff that it’s not easy to switch their head-set to a more ‘social’ approach.

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When we do communications sets up clients with a blog and social media channels such as Twitter, we always include setting up RSS Readers for our clients.

This enables them to keep track of what is happening in their industry, follow other blogs to comment on and easily stay up to with the latest news from across the web.

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Social media marketing engagement heart and arrowMost of us marketers, aged 30-ish plus, were professionally born and bred in the age of mass communications. So, it’s not strange that many marketers enter the social media arena with a mass-marketing headset.

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Recently I ran into a YouTube video from a communications guy called Greame Anthony. He made the video to apply for a job at ‘we are social’, a UK based conversation agency.

When you look at this video it makes you realize how much has changed. On the social web people are acting more like companies and companies are acting more like people.

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In this post I will explain the concept of Long Tail SEO, how you can beat your competition in search engine rankings by applying it, and even how to get a shot at great search engine rankings for a single keyword!

SEO Longtail Keyword Phrases

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Should I start a Facebook Page or Group | imageI often get asked what is the difference between a Facebook Page and Group? And which should I set up.

What is a Facebook Page?

In short, a Facebook Page is the equivalent of your personal Facebook account. If you as a business start a Facebook Page – this is your ‘official presence’.

What is a Facebook Group?

A Facebook Group is the equivalent of something you join on Facebook, such as a university alumni group or an environmental cause.

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