Unbounce logo plus header templatesAlthough we do communications is at heart a public relations 2.0 company, which helps it’s customers use social media towards specific business objectives, we also use online marketing tactics to generate traffic, leads and sales.

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This post is the last post in a series of 5 about developing a Keyword Strategy.

In my past 4 posts I outlined my process of doing Keyword Research.

I covered:

  1. Which elements make up your Keyword Strategy
  2. Translating your value & product proposition into Keywords
  3. Checking what people are searching on (volume and exact terms)
  4. Evaluating your competition to find out if you have a chance on these Keywords.

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This post is the 4rd post in a series of 5 about developing a Keyword Strategy.

There is not much use optimising for keywords you will never, in a million years,  have a chance on. This is why you need to evaluate your online competition.

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This post is the 3rd post in a series of 5 about developing a Keyword Strategy.

The first post was about the three elements that form your Keyword Strategy. The other posts take a closer look at each individual element.

Today, I’ll explain how you can best research what people are searching on.

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This post is the 2nd in a series of 5 on how to develop a Keyword Strategy.

As a marketer, you are familiar with the process of positioning your product. You go through the process of analyzing and assessing your product, you consider the competition, and the opportunities in the market. When you are developing a Keyword Strategy, you pretty much go through the same process.

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This is the 1st post in a series of 5 on developing a Keyword Strategy.


In my previous 3 posts I explained why I consider basic SEO knowledge a core business skill, and how to start with a little self-SEO-diagnostics. I also explained how important it is to use the right keywords. In this post I want to explain how you choose them.

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In my last posts, I talked about The ABC of Search Engine Optimisation and the three most important SEO Tags.

Getting links costs time. That’s why it’s called ‘Link Building’. More on that later. Keywords and Tags however, is something you control yourself. You can start getting them right as of today!

So where do you start?

I think it is the easiest to start with doing some self-SEO-diagnostics for your own website. Is it optimized for search engines?

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In my last blog post I highlighted the three most important elements that determine your website’s organic visibility in search engines. They are: Links, Keywords and Tags.

I will be covering Link Building and choosing the right Keywords later.

SEO Tags are an important tool for optimizing your website. These three SEO Tags are the most important:

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Image of chalkboard with computer and ABC written on itIn my post last Monday, I talked about basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization. SEO is not anymore some technical skill that you can stay averse of as marketer or PR. Today it is a core business skill.

You need to be able to manage the process of optimizing your website yourself. I will be writing a series of blog post that will teach you the important basics of SEO.

So where do you start? What do you need to know?

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Image of butler arm with white glove holding trayProducing content for marketing purposes is not new. As a marketer, you have been doing it for years. You have created TV and print commercials, door-to-door leaflets, event flyers, sales brochures, press releases, newsletters, copy for your site, et al.

But this isn’t Content Marketing. This is ‘marketing content’. The content supports your marketing strategy. At the heart it talks about the benefits of your products or services.

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