Below a nicely crafted infographic that gives you the lowdown on Google Panda – Google’s latest search engine algorithm update. It has certainly rocked the boat for some websites.

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Pretty exciting days for social media gurus and marketers! Google has just launched its own social network: Google Plus.

Google+ is a truly innovative product, that works completely differently to Facebook. The question is: will Google+ sail or fail? Time will tell. Google is pretty sure about it – they are putting their brand on the line.

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Import Facebook photo albums into Google PlusUnfortunately, there is not yet an app that automatically moves all your Facebook pictures to Google Plus.

But there is a way around it.

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A few days ago I received my invite for Google Plus and finally got in. Jeey!

I am still pretty psyched about this product. It’s cool! But the question is: is this new social network going to become mainstream? Is it gonna sail or fail?

I still think that the ‘Circles’ functionality is pretty awesome. It allows you to share stuff only with the people in a certain circle.

But herein lies the problem. When I first got into Google Plus, I rushed over to the ‘Circles’ department and was eager to give it horns. But 5 minutes later I was still staring at screen, asking myself two questions:

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getting started on TwitterFor newbees Twitter always seems like the most mystical social media channel. What is it? How does it work? How do I get followers? How do I know what to tweet about?

In the last year I have written quite a few posts about Twitter that answer questions like the above.

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Just last week, Google started testing their much talked about social network called ‘Google Plus’.

Emerald Sea painting inspiration Google Plus

At first I was really surprised to see Google launching this product under the Google brand name because ‘social’ just isn’t a part of Google’s brand DNA. Google is about search. To ‘google’ even became a verb.

So, if Google wants to grab marketshare in ‘social’ it would be logical to launch it under a different brand name, right? Just like they took a bite out of the browser market using the brand name Chrome.

But after reading this article in Wired, I understood better why Google is launching this social network under their own brand name:

Google is repositioning itself.

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This week Google started ‘field testing’ it’s new social network called Google Plus with a limited group of users. As a result, the whole internet is now talking about Google Plus.

But getting people talking about their products has never been Google’s problem.

The problem has been in developing ‘social’ products that people actually use. Products like Google Buzz and Google Wave have never been adopted by a mainstream world wide audience.

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Kill Trust & scare off your clientsI recently received a lot of emails from my Linkedin connections, inviting me for a new kind of professional social network. I thought it was a network visualisation tool.

Curious as I am, I click, signed-in with my Linkedin account, and take a look.

15 minutes later I deleted my account.


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Below is one of the most useful Content Marketing infographics I have seen to date. It’s put together by Eloqua an online ‘demand-generation’ company in the UK and designed by creative agency Jess3 in the US. (Sending kudos and some keyword rich anchor text their way as gratitude –  if you don’t know what I am talking about go here.)

The infographic tells you what types of content you can best use, based on your business objectives and your audience needs. It also indicates the key performance indicators for the different stages of the buying process.

Take a look, then check out my comment and a cliff-hanger below.

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If you have anything to do with social media, inbound or content marketing, you should be aware of what’s happening right now with SEO – one of the building blocks of doing business on the social web.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) simply means getting your site and content found by your customers and prospects. It used to be an IT geek thing. But it has become more and more a core business skill. SEO is the glue that keeps your online inbound and content marketing strategy together.

Recently some new stuff has started happening that has blurred the lines between SEO and social media.

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