As a marketer, your number 1 objective for the social web is to get found, right?
If you want to get found you know you should optimise your content and your website. But! You should also optimise your social media channels. So, where to start?
Marketing 2.0 in plain language
As a marketer, your number 1 objective for the social web is to get found, right?
If you want to get found you know you should optimise your content and your website. But! You should also optimise your social media channels. So, where to start?
Most clients I speak with have heard of Slideshare – the ‘YouTube’ for powerpoints – and some are even using it. But I haven’t met too many who optimise their Slideshare profiles to their keyword strategy.
Optimising means that people can then find your profile and presentations better in Google, or when they search from within Slideshare.
A good part of my work involves helping my clients publish content, such as presentations, pdfs, videos, and so on, in social media channels.
In the process I often encounter messy tactical issues that need solving. To help you become a better marketer on the social web, I’ve made it a habit to share the solutions with you.
Here’s one:
I was embedding a SlideShare presentation into an article on a social media newsroom. As a default, SlideShare includes additional information – such as title and author – in the embedding code. Makes my newsroom look messy and ugly. Me no like.
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