As a marketer, your number 1 objective for the social web is to get found, right?
If you want to get found you know you should optimise your content and your website. But! You should also optimise your social media channels. So, where to start?
Marketing 2.0 in plain language
As a marketer, your number 1 objective for the social web is to get found, right?
If you want to get found you know you should optimise your content and your website. But! You should also optimise your social media channels. So, where to start?
Since about two years already, YouTube is the number 2 search engine in the world – straight after big daddy Google. In addition YouTube videos are also found directly in Google search result pages.
In order to get your videos found, make sure you optimise them to your keyword strategy!!
A YouTube channel is the place where you can display and organise the YouTube videos you publish.
Below a cool little video that explains how you can customize your YouTube channel! The video explains how to customize design, how to group videos thematically, add modules, etc.
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