SERP 1 blog postAs we know, SERP 1 is the Holy Grail of marketing. It means that you are the number one result in Google for the terms you want to be found on.

I recently scored my first SERP 1 in Google on a very competitive keyword. Yaay! I thought it was a good idea to take this blog post and use it as an example to educate and inspire you – so you can start writing your own chart topping blog posts.

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Someone recently asked the question “What do I need to optimise? My whole blog, the pages of my blog, or my blog posts?”

Ever at your service, I will explain what the difference is between these three, from a Search Engine Optimisation perspective. First, an important note!

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In some cases hosting your blog under your main website can be a good option. You would then need to make a choice between hosting the blog as a subdirectory ( or as a subdomain (

Next week I will publish a post that explains the pros and cons of hosting your blog under the domain of your main –  corporate, primairy or root – website as oppose to hosting it completely separate under a separate domain (URL).

But in this post, I will first discuss the difference between hosting your blog under subdirectory or subdomain.

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How to get found more on LinkedinNearly everyone I meet professionally has a Linkedin profile. Most of those people have a pretty complete profile including a picture, recent experience, etc.

But only very few seem to bother with putting the right keywords in their profiles.This means that your profile will not show up in search results within Linkedin.

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Difference between blog and websiteI’m often asked what the difference is between a blog and a website. For many people active in online marketing, the difference between a website and a blog might seem obvious.

But nowadays, everyone – from PRs and communicators to business leaders and customer service managers – should have a clear understanding of the difference.

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Google Rankings no prize for fourth placeAs a marketer on the social web, one of your first objectives is to be found by your potential clients.

And since search engine Google has a market share of 98% in The Netherlands, your website needs to rank high in Google.

But as the graph below indicates, ranking high in Google is not good enough. Nearly 88% of the clicks on Google Page 1 go to the websites that are on first, second and third place!

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Optimising SlideshareMost clients I speak with have heard of Slideshare – the ‘YouTube’ for powerpoints – and some are even using it. But I haven’t met too many who optimise their Slideshare profiles to their keyword strategy.

Optimising means that people can then find your profile and presentations better in Google, or when they search from within Slideshare.

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Today, it is a simple marketing truth that if you want to get found by potential customers and clients on the social web, you need to know the basics of SEO (search engine optimisation). You need to develop and implement a keyword strategy. You need to apply that keyword strategy in your social channels – and your content!

This will help help potential customers find you rather than spending unnecessary marketing euros on advertising to find them.

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In this post I will explain the concept of Long Tail SEO, how you can beat your competition in search engine rankings by applying it, and even how to get a shot at great search engine rankings for a single keyword!

SEO Longtail Keyword Phrases

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RSS Heart Marketers using RSSAs a marketer, you have countless new ways to get news, industry information, keep an eye on your competition, listen to what your customers say, et al.

You can visit blog and news websites, you can use social bookmarking sites, such as Digg or Stumble Upon, or news aggregators such as Alltop or Popurls, take a dip in your Twitter stream or do a search in Google.

Personally I use a lot of these tools. But my favourite one is good old RSS. I love my RSS Reader.

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