Through the eyes of GoogleA couple of months ago I did a blog post on how to check if your website is optimised for search engines.

Basically, you right click your mouse, select ‘view source code’ and search (Ctrl + F) for meta tags: if they ain’t there, you ain’t optimised.

But, as you have guessed there are more thorough ways of checking if your site is optimised for Google. The easiest is to start using a tool supplied by Google called Google Webmaster Tools!

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On Page SEO imageOn Page SEO is a major factor for getting good organic search engine results. In my blog post the ABC of Search Engine Optimisation, I talked about the three most important elements of SEO. They are: Links, Keywords and Tags (code).

On Page SEO is about Keywords & Tags

On Page SEO means optimising your web page for a certain keyword or keyword combination.

You do this by making sure these keywords are used in the URL and in the most important SEO tags.

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This post is the last post in a series of 5 about developing a Keyword Strategy.

In my past 4 posts I outlined my process of doing Keyword Research.

I covered:

  1. Which elements make up your Keyword Strategy
  2. Translating your value & product proposition into Keywords
  3. Checking what people are searching on (volume and exact terms)
  4. Evaluating your competition to find out if you have a chance on these Keywords.

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This post is the 4rd post in a series of 5 about developing a Keyword Strategy.

There is not much use optimising for keywords you will never, in a million years,  have a chance on. This is why you need to evaluate your online competition.

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In my last posts, I talked about The ABC of Search Engine Optimisation and the three most important SEO Tags.

Getting links costs time. That’s why it’s called ‘Link Building’. More on that later. Keywords and Tags however, is something you control yourself. You can start getting them right as of today!

So where do you start?

I think it is the easiest to start with doing some self-SEO-diagnostics for your own website. Is it optimized for search engines?

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Image of chalkboard with computer and ABC written on itIn my post last Monday, I talked about basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization. SEO is not anymore some technical skill that you can stay averse of as marketer or PR. Today it is a core business skill.

You need to be able to manage the process of optimizing your website yourself. I will be writing a series of blog post that will teach you the important basics of SEO.

So where do you start? What do you need to know?

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Video still from the video How Google Works ft Matt CuttsFor mere mortals it can be pretty hard to understand the technical aspects of what goes on when you search in Google. Yet, as a marketer, you need to understand a bit of this process.

Once you do, a big marketing chance will dawn on you.

So, hang in there for a bit. I’ll first explain the process. Then I will highlight the big opportunity for marketers.

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Last week, I explained why SEO should be conducted with at the very least, close participation of the marketing department rather than being an ICT project.

Of course you need to technically optimise your website for search engines. But this is a given. More importantly, you need to use the right keywords!

As a marketer you know your products and services best. This puts you in pole position to determine which words to use on your website, in your tags, your URLs, et al.

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